The One & Only Rachyl
I'm just a messed up girl who is looking for her own peace of mind..

Friday, April 27, 2007
i really hate my boss.. & i don't know if i'm just over emotional thanks to my "friend" being in town, or if i have every right to be as upset as i am. i thought the day was going ok, until mid-morning my boss said "we need to get you all better." & i said i know, but she's referring to me being sick (i went home yesterday) & all my sinus problems. well, i explained to her during my interview that i had mono a couple years ago & my immune system is shot. i get sick easily, i mean we have clients that come in sick, so there's a pretty big chance that i will get it. i have come to work numerous times feeling like crap.. & then with the weather changing & getting into spring, the pollen count in the air is insane. i am HIGHLY allergic to pollen.. i had an allergy test tell me that. but anyways.. so she then pulls me aside (even tho another coworker could hear everything) & she said (in a nutshell) "you know how i told you that in 30 days you would get a 25c raise, well this is the time for that evaluation for the raise. i really don't feel at this point that you deserve that raise, with you being sick & you not being able to do a new client manicure" (there are notebooks of info i was supposed to read, plus i was supposed to have 3 weeks training on the product line they use.. but that never happened. so technically that is her fault) "you're really good at pedicures, but i can't keep you back there all the time. yadi yadi yadi.. you're just not where i need you to be at this point" so i was a little pissed off about not getting my raise. she told me to wait another 30 days & we would evaluate that.

then our receptionist was coming in for a pedicure cause yesterday was her last day & what not. i told my boss i would do the pedicure, i didn't mind, so that's what i thought. well my boss told me that the girl would be calling before she came to make a starbucks run for us.. she knows what i like because she's gotten it for me before. so the girl shows up & she has starbucks for everyone but me. it made me feel a little left out, but it's just starbucks. but then another coworker keeps going on about how she thought her starbucks would wake her up blah blah blah she's tired.. i'm kinda glad she didn't enjoy it. then my other coworker insisted on doing the pedicure, even tho i thought i was. so they sit back there gossiping, or so i think cause when i walk by they manage to get quiet. or maybe i'm just paranoid. so i walk back there & i say to the now ex receptionist & that my boss went off on me & i'm explaining it to her & she said "yeah, you can't do the new client manicure cause you're stuck back here in pedicure land all the time" EXACTLY DING DING DING!!! & then she tells me that yesterday my boss had this theory, because i talk about going to play team trivia every week at a sports bar & i'm over 21, so i must be a drunk & that's why i'm always sick. wtf? i drink like twice a month.. it's rare for me to drink. so now i'm even MORE pissed off at my boss for talking about me like that behind my back. i really don't appreciate that.

the day keeps dragging on.. we run late on a couple appointments cause she brings her damn baby to work. he refused to sleep all day, so he's cranky & so she has to stop what she's doing to take care of him.. i have to continue what she has left to tend to her baby. you DON'T bring your 10 month old baby to a nail salon.. period. & to top it off i feel like she talks to me like i am a child all the time.. it's just her tone of voice i guess. i can't really explain it, but i think she might not know she's doing it. i always feel like i don't fit in, i feel like i'm white trash compared to them.. i don't know why but i always feel like my clothes are dirtier & my hair is nastier.. i can't explain it.

there are double standards too. i'm told to wear PLAIN pants (aka no extra pockets, no extra seams, no designs, etc) & a solid shirt that's not low cut & my pants can't show my crack or undies. the new receptionist (who is also the ex babysitter) wears low cut shirts all the time, she wears things with patterns, & she has fake nails on. this is a NATURAL nail salon, i had to take off my acrylic nails just like everyone else. so why does she get to bend the rules?

i need to come up with a nice list of these things & present them to my boss nicely.. which is hard for me to do. i hate confrontation with a passion. i can never think of anything to say during the conversation, but i think of things afterwards. i need a plan.. fast. i hate this place & i don't think it's gonna get any better.

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Posted by «Rachyl» at 7:48 PM |


At April 28, 2007 at 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
HEy. see if you can make your font a little bigger. its really hard to read